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 Handbook of Pathology and Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
Dr. X
مشرف عام
مشرف عام
Dr. X

عدد الرسائل : 287
العمر : 36
المحافظة : فلسطيني
الهوايات : الفروسية,الرماية والسباحة
نقاط : 5900
التقييم : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 19/10/2008

Handbook of Pathology and Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Handbook of Pathology and Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease   Handbook of Pathology and Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease Icon_minitimeالخميس نوفمبر 06, 2008 4:33 pm

Handbook of Pathology and Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease 4115ZE2S5TL

Handbook of Pathology and Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine)
By Stephen M. Factor, Maria A. Lamberti-Abadi, Jacobo Abadi

  • Publisher: Springer
    Number Of Pages: 312
    Publication Date: 2001-11-14
    ISBN-10 / ASIN: 0792375424
    ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780792375425
  • Binding: Hardcover

Book Description:

This handbook consists of actual case material with a presentation of the clinical and laboratory data, an extensive discussion and analysis of the differential diagnoses, and a description of the pathology findings. The material, in problem-based format, includes 34 cases, more than 90 illustrations, an anatomy glossary, and laboratory normal values. It is intended for use by medical students in problem-based curricula, but is presented with sufficient sophistication to be useful to residents in pathology and internal medicine, and to pathologists and cardiologists. The book covers the entire spectrum of cardiovascular disease and may be unique, as there is nothing known to the authors that is comparable.

http://rapidshare.com/files/26637609/Handbook_of_Pathology_and_Pathophysiology_of_Cardi ovascular_Disease_0792375424.pdf
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Handbook of Pathology and Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Disease
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» Robbins Basic Pathology, 8/e 2007

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منتديات ون توك تيكوم :: قسم طلاب تيكوم :: قسم الـpathology :: cardiovascular system-
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